salutogenic* media !
+ Gaianoah is a press establishment providing general information and political-economic dynamism.
+ Its mission is part of the SSE (social and solidarity economy).
+ Its mandate is to vitalize moral values, humanism and sustainable development, by all legal means, whether natural, material or artificial, plus the exploitation of the cachet of its brand ‘GAIANOAH’.
* salutogenic : source of health and well-being .

Publishing director : Ht. QIU Saoirse

The solidarity collective
We share interests and responsibilities with the aim of achieving common objectives*.
* peace, economy, urban planning and sustainable environment (societal psychomotor skills)
+ The GAIANOAH organization is made up of (1) a parent company in charge of the social and financial capital: Gaianoah Inc, (2) a non profits association in charge of members for games, activities and events: Gaianoah Club and ( 3) a supply company for material and artistic support: Gaianoah Me.
+ Memberships start at just 2€/year, for (a) a simple membership card, allowing you to participate in our games and events (Socrates section) and are 51EUR/year for (b) a classic membership card, allowing you to participate in our games, activities, events and benefit from the exclusive integrated services of the GAIANOAH organization (Rabelais section) and more, for our benefactors, with (c) the Darwin member card.
+ GAIANOAH integrated services (Rabelais and Darwin section) consist of connecting social and financial capital between members (individuals, businesses and organizations), following their wishes and commitments within us, in order to find place and benefits, both on subjective and objective levels, private or professional, in external society.
+ All members of the organization, following their membership/contribution, receive (1) a physical ‘Collector’ card (numbered and certified limited edition) and (2) an electronic wallet containing the QIcoin cryptocurrency. This international portfolio is unique, individual and inalienable – it constitutes identity and rule of law for its holder – and allows you to participate in the governance of the GAIANOAH organization and in our games, activities and events.

The membres :
- Welcome and integration.
- Compliance with the regulations.
- Adoption of the charter.
- Membership review.
- Explore the world of Gaianoah !

The structure :
- Democratic governance.
- New Age celebrations.
- Games, workshops, local clubs and conferences.
- Exclusive integrated access.

health, well-being and leisure
Boost your free time !

A. Gaianoah is an organization that promotes peace and equality :
a1 + we want all children to have a daily meal and a local school.
a2 + we want an end to all physical wars on civilian land territories.
a3 + we want a societal transition in terms of the ecosphere and urban planning.
B. Gaianoah is an organization that develops well-being and leisure :
b1 + with a strong code of ethics (sacred oath),
b2 + with its local clubs present in your neighborhood,
b3 + with the label ‘GAIANOAH’.
C. Gaianoah is a future-oriented expert organization :
c1 + innovative in fintech, with its cryptocurrency QIcoin (QI),
c2 + innovative in new tech, with a virtual reality (XR) systems board,
c3 + innovative in socialtech, with resource management supported by a universal income.

Yet 51000+ members
To reconnect with life, symbolism, moral values and friendship.
For a social and environmental solidarity project.
For humanism at human level.